According to Law 2939/2001 and Law 4496/2017 'Packaging and alternative management of packages and other products- Establishment of the National Organization for Alternative Management of Packaging and Other Products' determining the alternative management framework operation in Greece, all companies which import, produce and supply packaged goods to the domestic market, are bound to set up individual systems or to participate in collective systems for alternative management of these packages regarding the activity thereof.
Packaging management refers to the production or/and the disposal of materials wherefrom packages are directly manufactured (supply of primary and secondary materials) or the import of packaging and the production and conversion of packaging, and the placement of products in packages as well as the disposal in the market (trading including imports) of packaged products, in order to be delivered to the user or the end consumer.
Therefore, all these companies contribute via the authorized Collective Systems for Alternative Management of Packaging, in order to fulfill their obligations deriving from the Law.In particular, both producers and packaged products importers and private label products holders are bound to pay a pecuniary contribution to authorized Collective Systems for Alternative Management of Packaging, abiding by the 'polluter pays' principle: “the polluter pays”.
To join REWARDING RECYCLING, a company-manager needs to call: the recycling line 801 11 67890
As per Article 10 of Law 4496/2017:
"Quantitative goals for recycling of waste packaging and re-use thereof
1. The bodies operating Collective and Individual Alternative Management Systems (EPR Schemes) are obliged to gradually achieve the quantitative targets of the National Waste Management Plan, approved by statute 49/15.12.2015 of the Council of Ministers, by means of a reduction in the quantities of packaging material by producers taking part...".
According to Table 14 of paragraph 3.4, "Waste Management Plans per Category of Waste" of the approved National Waste Management Plan, which is as follows:
Α.4. Packaging Waste
The recycling goals for packaging waste are outlined in Table 14: